Jul 3Liked by πŸŒ™ Haly, the Moonlight Bard βœ’οΈ

My stories always start with character. Great advice on how to incorporate more world-building into them.

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Characters, and the emotional resonance of their journeys, are the BEST way to connect to our audiences. Certainly the easiest, IMO. Some of the oldest writing advice in my toolbox is people-watching, sitting in a public place and making little word sketches of the people around you. Mannerisms, laugh styles, walks, facial expressions.

It's not, perhaps, RIGHT, but it's certainly real....I love it if I can catch people in a disagreement or a phone call. There is a fine line between spying and research. But also...don't argue in public if being overheard matters to you.

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Jul 3Liked by πŸŒ™ Haly, the Moonlight Bard βœ’οΈ

Some of my characters are amalgamations. Not all but some.

For me, the easiest way to write that character is figure out their flaws and desires first. If I know what they struggle with and what they want, it is easier for me to stay true to them.

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Real world personalities give us realistic characters. Motivations and holdups are a GREAT starting point! When I'm pressed for choices, I like grabbing one of my (many) astrology books and using the positive/negative traits from a zodiac sign! It's a quick "cheat" to a balanced personality.

(As long as you're not plagiarizing or directly copying a real person without permission or protection, there are no rules or cheating in world-building, whatever makes a believable world is the right way.)

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